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- ---------------------
- by Simon Plumbe and Colin Gunn
- --------------------------------
- This is the second and probably the final update of our complete
- chronological list of major events in TREK history. Unfortunately, there is
- going to be an official book released in October this year, so we felt it
- best to drop this feature. However, we've VASTLY expanded on the last issue
- so we hope you're not TOO disappointed! If nothing else, when the book is
- released, you can use this guide to check how accurate the book actually is!
- One last thing, if the book ISN'T released by the time Issue 4 is due out, we
- will update the guide again!
- Note - there are some discrepancies between this guide and some of the
- material on-screen. In Star Trek II, McCoy brings Kirk a bottle of Romulan
- Ale on his birthday and comments on the vintage as being 2283. However,
- elsewhere in the film, Khan mentions that he had been stranded on Ceti Alpha
- V for 15 years, a statement which Kirk also repeats further on in the movie.
- (Because this is repeated by Kirk, it rules out the possiblity of Khan's
- memory failing him and him losing track of time.) Now, based on the two
- statements of Sarek's age ("Sarek" aged 202 and "Journey To Babel" aged 102),
- we know that there is 100 years difference between Clasic Trek Season 2 and
- TNG Season 3. It is stated quite clearly (by Data) in "The Neutral Zone" that
- the year is 2364. Based on that information, TNG Season 3 must take place in
- the year 2366 and Season 2 Classic Trek must therefore be in the year 2266.
- Following on from this, "Space Seed", which took place in Classic Trek Season
- 1 must have occured in the year 2265 and if Khan had been stranded for 15
- years then Star Trek II MUST be in the year 2280!
- The reason I say this is because in almost every other timeline article I
- have seen, they place the events of Star Trek II - Star Trek V in the year
- 2286. Make up your own minds... Hopefully this will all be explained properly
- in the book due out this year.
- Enough of my excuses, let's get on with it...
- ---- -----
- 3834 - Birth of the immortal being, Flint in Mesopotamia.
- BC
- 1367 - The fabled creature Ardra strikes a deal with the population of Bentax
- II, offering them 1000 years of prosperity in return for the planet
- being handed over to her control after that time.
- 1930 - Captain James T. Kirk and Commander Spock from USS Enterprise go back
- in time to New York, America, Earth in pursuit of Doctor McCoy who ran
- through a time portal known as the Guardian of Forever while
- temporarily insane!
- 1936 - U.S. naval vessel USS Enterprise, reg. CVN-6, commissioned.
- 1939 - Birth of Ralph Offenhouse who was to die in 1994 of a heart attack.
- His body was cryogenically frozen and was re-awakened by the crew of
- the USS Enterprise in 2364.
- 1946 - U.S. naval vessel USS Enterprise, reg. CVN-6, dismantled.
- 1957 - Uri Gagarin first human into space.
- 1959 - Birth of Clare Raymond who was to die in 1994 of an annurism. Her
- husband was to have her body cryogenically frozen. She was re-awakened
- by the crew of the USS Enterprise in 2364.
- 1963 - U.S. naval vessel USS Enterprise, reg. CV(N)-65, commissioned.
- 1969 - Neil Armstrong is first human to land on the moon.
- 1976 - American Space Shuttle, USS Enterprise, reg. OV-101, launched on
- series of test flights. The craft never actually left Earth, it was
- merely airlifted by plane and left to fly back down to the ground.
- 1986 - American Space Shuttle Challenger explodes 15 seconds after take-off,
- killing all seven crewmembers on board, including one civilian.
- - Former command crew of USS Enterprise return to the past to find a
- pair of humpback whales to re-populate the species.
- 1992 - The text book, "Chicago Mobs of the 1920's" published. This was left
- behind on the planet Iota by the USS Horizon in 2166 which resulted in
- the Iotians basing their entire culture on the book.
- 1993 - Start of the Eugenics Wars.
- 1994 - Satellite launched containing a number of cryogenically frozen bodies,
- including those of Ralph Offenhouse, Clare Raymond and Sonny Clemens,
- who are revived in the year 2364.
- 1996 - End of the Eugenics Wars.
- 2024 - Unification of Ireland.
- 2036 - New United Nations formed.
- - New United Nations declared that no citizen of Earth should be made to
- answer for the crimes of his race or forebears.
- 2037 - Launch of NASA vessel "Carybdis", commanded by Colonel Steven Richey.
- This was the third attempt at a space flight outside our solar system.
- 2040 - The popularity of television as a form of entertainment begins to
- fade.
- 2043 - Start of the Mind Control Revolts.
- 2047 - End of the Mind Control Revolts.
- 2078 - Start of the "Post-Atomic" age.
- 2079 - "United Earth" treaty abolished.
- 2123 - Launch of SS Mariposa, a vessel transporting two groups of colonists
- to the Ficus Sector, one scientifically based, the other agricultural.
- 2161 - United Federation of Planets formed.
- 2164 - Sarek of Vulcan born.
- 2166 - A copy of the text book, "Chicago Mobs of the 1920's" was left behind
- on the planet Iota by the USS Horizon, which resulted in the Iotians,
- a race known to be very imitative, basing their entire culture on the
- book.
- 2227 - Dr Leonard "Bones" McCoy born.
- 2232 - Captain James Tiberius Kirk born.
- 2244 - Ensign Pavel Chekov born.
- 2245 - Marshall law is declared on the colony of Tarsus IV by it's then
- govenor, Kodos when the majority of the planet's food supply is wiped
- out by a fungal virus. In order to save as many of the population as
- possible, he order the deaths of over 4,000 people - half of the human
- population of 8,000. However, shortly after the killings took place, a
- supply ship arrived on Tarsus IV and Kodos was dubbed "Kodos The
- Executioner". A burned body was found shortly after, believed to have
- been Kodos', but he was later discovered under the alias of Anton
- Karidian, a wandering actor and was identified by James Kirk in 2265.
- 2251 - A colony ship crashes on Thasus, killing all on board apart from a
- three year old human child, Charlie Evans.
- 2255 - The Treaty of Armens is signed between the Federation and the Sheliak.
- Contact is then broken off between the two and nothing is heard from
- the Sheliak until 2366.
- 2258 - A major crop failure occurs on Cerberus, leading to the possible
- starvation of the entire population, including Doctor McCoy's
- daughter, Joanna, who was at school there. The population were saved
- when Carter Winston uses his own personal fortune to transport enough
- food to guarantee survival for the planet.
- 2260 - A survey ship, the SS Beagle, is destroyed by it's captain, R. Merik,
- enabling him to strand all of his crew on the Earth-like planet,
- 892-IV, a duplicate of Earth apart from the fact that Rome never fell.
- 2263 - Carter Winston, a well known trader disappears. It is later discovered
- that his ship crash-landed and he dies a year later. His form is
- assumed by a Vendorian shape-changer.
- 2265 - Captain James T. Kirk assumes command of USS Enterprise, aged 33.
- - Khan Noonian Singh marooned by Kirk on Ceti Alpha V.
- 2266 - Sarek of Vulcan suffers several heart attacks, aged 102.
- 2267 - Kirk's wife, Miramanee is killed while the couple were under attack
- from a mob of indians who believed Kirk to be a God. Kirk was
- temporarily suffering from amnesia.
- 2270 - USS Enterprise returns to Earth from it's five-year mission under the
- command of Captain James T. Kirk.
- 2274 - Launch of the colony vessel, Artemis. The vessel was presumed lost,
- but was infact sent off course and landed on the planet Tau Cygna V, a
- planet that belonged to the Sheliaks.
- 2280 - Kirk re-encounters Khan after his escape from Ceti Alpha V.
- - Captain Spock dies of radiation poisoning while saving USS Enterprise
- from destruction.
- - USS Enterprise returns to Earth to be de-commissioned.
- - Kirk and his remaining command crew steal the USS Enterprise to
- retrieve the body of Captain Spock from the Genesis Planet.
- - USS Enterprise is destroyed when Kirk sets the self-destruct mechanism
- to prevent capture by a Klingon boarding party.
- - Earth is attacked by a probe of unknown origin. It is discovered that
- the probe's signal, which is destroying the Earth's atmosphere, is the
- signal made by humpback whales and Admiral James T. Kirk and former
- command crew of USS Enterprise travel back to the late 20th Century to
- collect a pair of whales in order to re-populate the species.
- - USS Enterprise NCC 1701-A launched. The ship is actually the USS
- Yorktown, re-named. Command given to James Kirk after his demotion to
- Captain.
- 2290 - The Klingon vessel "Tong" is launched towards the Federation border on
- a secret military mission. All the crew travelled while in suspended
- animation.
- 2292 - Praxis, the Klingon moon, explodes leaving the Klingon Empire only 50
- years of life. This forces the Klingons to initialise peace talks with
- the Federation.
- 2311 - Final contact the Federation has with the Romulans until events of the
- mysterious attacks on Federation and Romulan outposts (believed to be
- caused by the Borg) in 2364.
- 2333 - Launch of the USS Stargazer, NCC 2893, on it's historic 22 year
- mission, which was later to be commanded by Jean-Luc Picard.
- 2338 - Lt. Commander Data discovered on Omicron Theta.
- 2344 - Enterprise "C" destroyed by a Romulan attack while responding to a
- Klingon distress call. Lt Tasha Yar one of few survivors kidnapped by
- the Romulans.
- - A Federation starship is destroyed by the insect-like race, the Jarada
- when the captain fails to deliver the customary greeting properly
- during a diplomatic mission. There is no further contact with the race
- for another 20 years.
- 2345 - Tasha Yar gives birth to her half-Human half-Romulan daughter, Sela.
- 2348 - Wesley Crusher born to parents Beverly and Jack Crusher.
- 2349 - Tasha Yar killed while trying to escape her Romulan captors.
- 2350 - Riker and his father lose contact with each other, presumably when
- Riker enters the Academy. They do not meet again until 15 years later
- on the Enterprise.
- 2353 - While Kyle Riker was acting as a civilian strategist advising
- Starfleet over their conflict with the Tholians, the starbase he was
- on was attacked, killing all on board apart from Kyle Riker. Shortly
- after, he meets Kate Pulaski and they begin a relationship, which is
- broken off due to Kyle's devotion to his career.
- 2355 - USS Stargazer attacked by unknown forces (later discovered to be the
- Ferengi) while under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. The ship
- is subsequently abandoned, but not before the Ferengi are defeated
- when Picard first makes use of the now-legendary "Picard Manoeuvre".
- 2356 - The last known Turellian ship is destroyed by the Alcians. The
- Turellians were a race of humanoids who were all but wiped out due to
- biological warfare. A cure for the plague, that all Turellians carry,
- has yet to have been found. Another ship was to be encountered by the
- USS Enterprise in 2364.
- 2364 - Tasha Yar killed by Armus while trying to reach a trapped Deanna Troi.
- - Lt. Worf promoted to Chief of Security.
- 2365 - Lt. J.G. Geordi LaForge promoted to full Lt. and re-assigned as Chief
- Engineer.
- - Doctor Katherine Pulaski assigned to the Enterprise as a replacement
- for Doctor Beverly Crusher, currently Head of Starfleet Medical.
- - USS Enterprise is the first Federation vessel to encounter the race
- known as the Borg. Enterprise is defeated in combat and returns to
- Federation space after the being known as Q interferes, but not before
- 18 crew members were killed.
- 2366 - Sarek of Vulcan diagnosed of having Bandi Syndrome, aged 202.
- - USS Enterprise 1701-D enters an alternative timeline after the NCC
- 1701-C has passed through a portal in space, into the present day. The
- Enterprise "C" was in the middle of defending a Klingon outpost from
- Romulan attack. When the "C" travelled through time, history was
- changed and Tasha Yar was still alive - she returns to the year 2344
- with the Enterprise "C" to correct the change.
- - Body of Lore, twin "brother" of Lt. Commander Data found floating in
- space by Pakled vessel after drifting for 2 years.
- - Birth of Worf's son, Alexander.
- 2367 - Miles Edward O'Brien and Keiko Ishigawa marry.
- - Wesley Crusher is finally accepted to enter the Starfleet Academy.
- - Lt Worf resigns his commission as a Starfleet Officer over a conflict
- between his loyalty to Starfleet and to the Klingon Empire.
- 2368 - Sarek of Vulcan dies, aged 204.
- - Keiko O'Brien gives birth to a daughter, Molly O'Brien.
- - Lt. Worf's son, Alexander, returns from Earth where he was staying
- with Worf's human parents and joins his father permanently on the
- Enterprise.
- 2369 - Miles O'Brien and his family transfer from USS Enterprise to Starbase
- Deep Space Nine.
- Well that's it! Now go any buy the book!
- Some of the material in this guide has been adapted from information in the
- Star Trek Chronology by William Stone III and Allan Finkas distributed on the
- FidoNet system.